Second Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2020
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 93
New Testament Reading: John 21: 1-19
# 634 “To God Be the Glory”
# 721 “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore”
# 366 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
LITANY FOR EASTER (Book of Common Worship, pps. 316-317)
O Christ,
after your resurrection you appeared to your disciples;
you breathed on them,
that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
You gave joy and exultation to the whole creation.
Through your victory, we pray to you:
Hear us, Lord of glory.
O Christ,
after your resurrection you sent out your disciples
to teach all nations
and to baptize them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;
you promised to be with them
and us until the end of the world.
Through your victory, we pray to you:
Hear us, Lord of glory.
O Christ,
through your resurrection you lifted us up,
and filled us with rejoicing.
Through your salvation you enrich us with your gifts.
Renew our lives and fill our hearts with joy.
Through your victory, we pray to you:
Hear us, Lord of glory.
O Christ,
you are glorified by angels in heaven, and worshiped on earth.
On the glorious feast of your resurrection,
we pray to you:
Hear us, Lord of glory.
Save us, O Christ our Lord, in your goodness,
extend your mercy to your people who await the resurrection,
and have mercy on us.
Hear us, Lord of glory.
O merciful God, you raised your beloved Son,
and in your love you established him as head of your church,
and ruler of the universe.
By your goodness we pray:
Hear us, Lord of glory.
CALL TO CONFESSION: Rom. 5:8; Heb. 4:16
The proof of God’s amazing love is this:
While we were sinners
Christ died for us.
Because we have faith in him,
we dare to approach God with confidence.
In faith and penitence,
let us confess our sin before God and one another.
PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Book of Common Worship, pps. 317-318)
Almighty God,
in raising Jesus from the grave,
you shattered the power of sin and death.
We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear,
bound by the ways that lead to death.
We overlook the poor and the hungry,
and pass by those who mourn;
we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed,
and indifferent to calls for peace;
we despise the weak,
and abuse the earth you made.
Forgive us, God of mercy.
Help us to trust your power
to change our lives and make us new,
that we may know the joy of life abundant
given in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord.
ASSURANCE OF PARDON: (Book of Common Worship, p. 56)
The mercy of the Lord
is from everlasting to everlasting.
I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ,
you are forgiven.
May the God of mercy,
who forgives you all your sins,
strengthen you in all goodness,
and by the power of the Holy Spirit
keep you in eternal life.